19 crore Indians sleep hungry every night
8.8 lakh children under 5 die annually due to lack of food
13 crore children never reach secondary school
It makes people बेरोज़गार (unemployable), pushes families into poverty and slows down India's journey towards its position as विश्वगुरु
1 in 6 unemployed Indians battles alcohol or drug abuse, every single day
1% increase in unemployment causes 14% increase in crime rates in भारत
Families like Divya's remain trapped, with no hope
AjnaVidya is more than a platform or a product; it's an आशा की किरण (a ray of hope). It calls every Indian to rise up, to skill-up, and build a brighter future.
By bridging the skill-gap, AjnaVidya empowers individuals to transform their lives and build a nation where opportunities are accessible to everyone!
Everyone like Divya.
Now we had to answer a critical question: How can we upskill and be an आशा की किरण (ray of hope) for crores like Rajesh?
We found the answer in India's Industrial Training Institutes (ITIs). We visited 200 ITIs and found an unsettling reality.
Many lacked resources: 50 students shared 1 spray-painting gun, broken benches and missing basic infrastructure.
भाषा (language) was another barrier at many ITIs leading many students to drop out.
AjnaVidya makes learning practical and engaging with India’s first true mixed-reality headset.
When learners wear the headset, they enter a virtual world to practise and master complex engineering skills through hands-on experience.
AI-powered tracking provides precise feedback, enabling unlimited practice. The platform is accessible, supports regional languages, and simplifies learning for all.
AjnaVidya empowers people with skills, rekindles आशा (hope) for millions like Divya, and transforms unemployability into opportunity.
Bridging the skill-gap in the engineering trades with accessible, immersive training for every Indian.
Improving healthcare, from medical education to surgical planning, across India.
Together, let's rise up and skill-up 4.2 crore Indians who are still unemployed!
Come, become a Skill-सेतुAjnaVidya is not merely a platform or a product; it's a ray of hope for crores of Indians to rise, skill-up, and build a brighter future.
AjnaVidya makes learning practical and fun by using VR and AR to simulate real-world training. It helps learners practise skills safely and effectively.
The AjnaVidya simulator uses the phygital (physical+digital) training method. It teleports learners into a virtual environment where they can learn real-world skills with no hazards.
You can become a "Skill-सेतु" by:
AjnaVidya aligns with the vision of Viksit Bharat by 2047, where every Indian has access to skills that enable economic progress and personal growth, making भारत a विश्वगुरु once again.